Saturday, August 22, 2009

My inspiration...

Unplugged happened tonight and it was a really enjoyable time of listening to talented people performing especially Mia, Ellie and Tessie...most of all Tessie...she's just amazing...her life is such a testimony of God being real in our lives.

And that real-ness or reality, can only be experienced. It cannot be just told. You can't say that this water in the glass is cold until you drink it.

And i'm a believer of practicing what you preach THOUGH sometimes i fail to practice what i preach...and i guess its becos i didn't believe what was being TOLD to me until i have EXPERIENCED the effects of making those unwise decisions.

Today i read from 2 Kings 5:1-15 about how Naaman was healed of leprosy.
Naaman went to see prophet Elisha and was expecting to be healed according to the ways he know but all he got was a message to go wash himself in this not-so-clean river 7 times and he shall be healed. Of course, being a commander of the army...what is this nonsense to do something so simple? But he must've been a pretty good boss cos his servant advised him to try it out anyway cos if the prophet had told him to do something great, Naaman would've done it rite..wat more...this simple act? And so Naaman did...and he was healed and he said in 2 King 5:15 'Now i know that there is no god in all the earth, except in Israel.'
ALL this TROUBLE just to have Naaman recognized that there is only 1 God.

And..perhaps...all that we're going through now...good and just for us to know...that only Jesus is God and Him alone..

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