Thursday, September 3, 2009


yeah...thank God we're fine...unhurt...
weird that it came a day after my dad's car got hit from behind...

you know..the first thing human naturally will do is blame.point finger.then feel guilty because didn't pay attention as much as they should.guilty because if this hadn't happened then that wouldn't happened.chain reaction.dadada...

yes, i do think like that too. i wonder wat is God trying to teach me. why is this happening? why like that? how can? i serve You wor..i give my tithes wor..i do..i do..i do..

and i'm reminded of what was being taught in church recently. That the enemy is after your faith.
not my car. not my money but my faith. faith so precious? i guess it is since Jesus said faith as small as a mustard seed can move it physical mountain or 'mountain'.
so, i wonder what mountains that the enemy forsee me moving such that my faith is being challenged today...or your faith being challenged today and u need to know this?

to be continued...

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