Thursday, May 15, 2008

What makes...

What makes a guy attractive?

some say the looks..
some say the way he dressed...
some may say his career..and his talents..

i say...all the above..hahaha...

i think the confidence that he exudes and when walking in the purpose of God..i think that makes him real attractive. example: David Cook..ok..fine..the 1st time i saw this guy on Youtube, i was told he's very handsome but i begged to differ. i din't think there was anything attractive except that he has beautiful puppy eyes..right..sarcastic..
then i saw him a few more times and still nah...not attractive. until tonight, i saw him singing being in the final 3 contestants...suddenly he looked really good to me..haha(no, i'm not desperate.)he was singing and playing his guitar to the best that he is...he's using his talent and he's doing wat he's made to that...makes me find him attractive. when a man becomes a man..its such a delight to look at him.
i guess its like God looking at us ..when we are walking in His way and in His purpose, God delights in us.

1 comment:

pitamos said...

ur hero won American Idol Season 7 :p